
My oldest (12) is in his first year of Algebra and Geometry (we use Singapore's New Elementary Math which blends these plus Trig together over a four year cycle).

He struggled a bit early in the year, but has hit his stride and is doing well. The biggest thing to hold him back is his own handwriting.

I am absolutely loving the material. I don't remember having problems in Geometry that were really Algebra problems in disguise, but I've loved this last section in his book.

Just tempt you here's one:

A piece of wire with radius 1.5 mm is 10 m long and weighs 423.9 g. Taking pi = 3.14, find a) the volume of the wire, in cm(cubed) and b) the density (in g/cm(cubed) of the metal.

The ones with drawings are even better. Makes me wish I hadn't skipped all those Calculus classes in college.


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