Greek at Eighty

This is something I've said on occasion. Recently when a friend told me they were impressed by this goal, I pointed out that if I was dead before then, I was pretty sure that it would be easier to learn Greek in heaven than on earth. Even if you had to study, you'd get to go to Paul's school of Areopagus Greek.

The other reason to wait until I am eighty is there is good research that shows an active mind stays in better shape than an inactive one. What better way to train my brain than studying a foreign language that has its own alphabet?

Finally it has recently struck me that there are times to learn new things and that some things need to be learned when your body can help as part of the process. After a year of dog training, I know that at eighty most folks would not be able to train a Labrador because physical strength and balance are two necessities.


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